Loyalty Program FAQs
Can I sign up and use Thanx without a smartphone?
Yes. You can sign up on the web by going to thanx.com/pinthouse. The web version of the app works just like the phone app. Just sign in at thanx.com/pinthouse to view and use your account via the web.
Why does Thanx need my credit card?
The credit/debit card used to register with Thanx is how we securely connect rewards to you. Neither Thanx nor Pinthouse see or store your credit/debit card information. When you register your card with the Thanx app, your card number is encrypted with bank-level security and sent directly from your phone to the card network (Visa, MasterCard, etc.). They enroll your card with Thanx and send us a notification when you use it to make a purchase at either Pinthouse location. Thanx will not and cannot charge your card.
Does Thanx share my personal information?
No. Thanx does NOT share your personal information with anyone, including the merchants you shop with.
Can I use multiple credit cards to earn rewards?
Yes! Any card you have registered to your Thanx account will earn rewards at participating merchants. You can add as many cards as you would like and any transactions made with any linked card will accrue rewards progress. Simply go to “Registered Cards” in the Thanx app menu to add more cards.
How can I use Cash?
If you would like to use cash for a transaction, no problem! Simply send a picture of your receipt to support@thanx.com. The app includes a button to take and send the picture!
Do Gift Card purchases count towards my account?
Yes. Purchases of Gift Cards with cash or a registered credit/debit card count towards rewards progress.
Can I use my Thanx account at all Pinthouse locations?
Yes. Your Thanx account can be used at all Pinthouse locations, and rewards are accrued for all locations, not separately.
Can I access my account online?
Yes! You can login online by going to mobile.thanx.com.
Do my rewards ever expire?
Most rewards do not have an expiration date. However, Birthday Rewards expire 30 days after your birthday.
Can I use multiple rewards at once?
No. You can use only one reward per transaction.
If I accidentally press the “redeem” button for my reward but do not redeem it, can I get it back?
If you accidentally pressed the redeem button for any of the Jolly Rogers rewards, no need to worry. Simply email nic@pinthousepizza.com with the appropriate details, and you will recieve your rewards accordingly. However, if you accidentally pressed the redeem button in the Thanx app for non-Jolly Rogers rewards, please email the Thanx support team at support@thanx.com and they will happily assist you!